It's a gorgeous day in DC. The temperature is in the mid 60s, sunny, a bit windy, and the best representation I can recall of what a spring day should be. I'm post-call today, which gives me the chance to raise my vitamin D levels a bit. I've already spent a few minutes outside. My housekeepers come on Mondays, so I took the pooch out for a walk and sat out on a bench until they were finished.
Have I mentioned my pets before? In case I haven't, there's Molly, a 7 year old pug; Gandalf, a 15 year old cat; and Kitty Poo, a 7 year old cat. Much like people, they're all great and all awful in their unique ways. The newest drama is trying to give Gandalf medication to stop him from marking outside his litterbox. He deftly spits pills out, so the vet had the same medication compounded in liquid form, chicken flavored, no less. He apparently doesn't like the chicken flavoring, as he runs away as soon as I get the medicine in his mouth and then salivates terribly. I'm waiting on a call back from the vet about this one. I hope to be on the way to solving the inappropriate urination issue soon, as our potential new home has carpeting on two of the four levels.
Speaking of potential new homes, I have news. The owner's realtor called and told me it's ours for the renting! She then qualified the news by saying that it's all pending finalizing our application, which should be complete today. Finally, after living in a tiny condo with only one bathroom for a year, I'll be back in a single family home, with multiple bathrooms, and with a garage! And let's not forget there is a third bedroom that I'm going to use as a studio. It has skylights! We should be moved in at the beginning of next month, fingers crossed.
I have changed up the content of my practice routine a tiny bit. Here's where I am:
Long tones (Wye, Practice Books for the Flute, Book 1, Tone): Low register exercise 1; middle register exercise 1; high register exercise 1. I know these exercises are simple, but I do get a lot out of them.
Harmonics (Wye): This is such slow, painful progress. I still can't get the fifth harmonic of low Eb to speak. I think it will happen soon, though, and that day will be a glorious one.
Scales (T and G): EJ 1 and 2, second page, two octaves, mezzo forte, articulation # 8, 84 beats per minute; EJ 4, A Major through C Major, mezzo forte, articulation #7, 80 beats per minute.
Etude (Cavally): The 17th study in the book. These etudes are becoming more difficult, as one would expect. I can no longer breeze through them in a 15 minute practice session. I played the prior etude for 5 consecutive days before I was satisfied enough to move on.
Orchestral excerpts (Baxtresser): William Tell. I wish I knew a pianist who could play the English horn part while I practice this. I'm sure it would make all the difference. It would be so easy to get behind on those 32nd note rests.
Solo work (Faure): Fantasie. This is the required piece for the adult amateur competition I plan to enter. I've known the piece for a long time, and I love it. It's such a fun work. It's been so long since I've played it that it's a bit like playing it for the first time. The preliminary round recordings aren't due until September or so, but I really want to find a pianist soon so I'm not scrambling at the last minute.
I must find a teacher soon. I emailed the gentleman in Maryland again, but he hasn't responded. I don't know if he's busy, or flaky, or both. If I don't hear from him by Friday, I will seek another teacher. Ms. Trimber is delivering my new flute to me that day, so I will ask her for recommendations. She seems to be in-the-know when it comes to the flute scene in DC.
Here's a photo that could very well have been taken today (it wasn't, but it could have been!)
e-mail me the french horn part and tempo markings and I will record it for you on the piano, if you think it will help.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Olya. Someone on Twitter has offered to give me a copy of the English Horn part transposed so I can record it for myself. Looking forward to our Skype duets!